

Birrigai Outdoor Camp – March 2023

Group picture of volunteers and VIPs at Birrigai camp

Birrigai Outdoor Camp – March 2023

CBS held a “Weekend to Remember” at Birrigai Outdoor School on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023.

24 happy campers enjoyed the weekend full of a range of recreational and sporting activities.

Everyone joined in helping to make the weekend a warm and friendly event for each other.   Those who could helped as volunteers making it easier for the rest of the campers.

The program this year included a Trivial Pursuit Quiz with those sitting round tables making up a team with questions delivered by Deb and Robin. Sporting and recreational activities included: Acrylic pouring, Clay craft, Line dancing, Board games, Rachel Hore Pop-up Choir, Blind Cricket game and the usual Birrigai Challenges.

On Sunday afternoon there was a round-up of participants’ feelings and comments about the weekend.

Lindy said: “I liked the combination of activities, great food.”

Belinda said: “I enjoyed most of the activities particularly the Craft, food was great, I loved talking to people and interacting.”

Liz said: “There were no single negatives, I loved the Choir, it was inclusive and easy for people with vision impairment to be part of.”

Roz said: “I loved the Choir, I’ve been coming to Birrigai on and off for a number of years, I am able to relax here and meet up with people.”

Jenny said: “The Choir was a highlight, the Blind Cricket activities were fantastic, we were given the opportunity to experience how a person with vision impairment plays cricket. The clay activity was lovely to watch how people interacted, shared stories and I was pleased to meet new people.”

Members/family and volunteers warmly thanked Deb, Robin and volunteers for such a marvellous weekend.

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