Group Activities
We offer our members – and potential members – an opportunity to engage in quality community-based activities that accommodate their passions and interests.
We are proud to offer the following volunteer-run programs on a regular basis:
Tuesday Mens Group
Tuesday Every Fortnight, 10.30AM, CBS Offices.
The Mens Group invites men of all ages to get together over a coffee and chat all things low vision/ vision impaired life.
Wednesday Audio Book Group
First Wednesday each month, 10.00AM, CBS Offices.
The Wednesday Audio Book Group invites book lovers to explore and discuss a diverse range of books with an equally diverse range of peers.
Wednesday Arts & Crafts Group
Second and fourth Wednesday each month, 10.00AM, CBS Offices.
The Wednesday Art & Crafts Group encourages participants to explore and unleash their creative spirit in a social and supportive environment.
Thursday Friends of Braille
Thursdays during school term, 10.00AM, CBS Offices.
The Thursday Friends of Braille are peer support sessions for people who are blind or vision impaired. Participants come together to share their interest in the Unified English Braille Code.
Friday Sense-Able Cooking Group
Third Friday each month, 10.00AM, CBS Offices.
The Friday Sense-Able Cooking Group is designed to help people with diminishing vision to prepare meals in confidence. Have fun with friends, try new recipes, learn about new products and how to use your other senses to help maintain your independence in the kitchen.